Thanking God One Day at a Time

Most years it seems like I am always seeing people posting on Facebook each day something that they are thankful for throughout the month of November. I am going to do it slightly different this year. I may occasionally also post to Facebook, but I am going to try and post each day on this page something that I am thankful for. Some days it may just be one word, while other days there may be more of an explanation to go along with it. If I don't get to posting, I will hopefully just be able to post the following day. I hope that you all think about some of the things that you are thankful to God for while reading this post. 

November 1st: God. First and foremost, I am thankful for God. Without Him, we would have no way to pay for the price of our sins. But, He sent His Son to die for us so that we don't have to pay that price. There are literally not enough words in every spoken, unspoken, and forgotten language to say how thankful for and to God I am.
November 2nd: Mom. I am thankful that God allowed my mom to be mine. She is so loving and has always taken great care of me. We are able to talk and do things together. So, mom, I love you and thank you for being such a great and amazing mom!

November 3rd: Dad. Like my mom, I am also so thankful that God allowed my dad to be mine. He had always been there for me and has taken great care of me. He knows what to say when things are tough and how to help me. We are able to talk about things and do things together as well. So, dad, I love you and thank you for being such a great and amazing dad! I know you don't like pictures of you posted, so I won't include one here. Just thought would clarify for anyone reading this that wonders why I put one for mom but not for dad.
November 4th: My friend Jessica. She is awesome! We don't get to hang out as much as I would like now that we have school and work to schedule around, but when we do get to hang out, it is a lot of fun. I can't wait until the next time we get to hang out! 

November 5th: Shelter. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head. As I heard the rain outside it made me think about how blessed I am to have shelter because there are some people who don't have it. 
November 6th: My job. I have been working at a daycare for a year and 2 months. I have met some awesome people while working there. Plus, because of my job, I am able to put money towards tuition for school and have a small amount of spending money. Getting to work with the toddlers there has been a real blessing. 
November 7th: Adventureland Puppet Ministry. We got to go and perform at a nursing home today and it was great getting to interact with the residents afterwards. Typically I would talk about this on more, but I did just write a whole series on puppetry. So, if you want to know more, click on the heading that says "Keeping Your Heart and Arms Steady" to get to my series on puppetry. 

November 8th: Sadly, I managed to forget to post yesterday. So, I am thankful for second chances. Just because I missed writing a day or if I make some kind of mistake, I know that I can try again. In the case of a mistake, I have to learn from it. Looking at this in a Christian way, it is like how even though we are sinful, God still showed us his grace and mercy in sending His Son to die for our sins.
November 9th: Fall weather. While it was cool this morning (I mean, I had to scrape the windows on the car!), it got nicer throughout the day. So, in-between my classes, I had a few minutes where I was walking across campus and it just felt so nice out. 
 Just for clarification,  the picture is not from on campus.
November 10th: Well, I managed to forget to post again yesterday. So, even though it is a day late, I am thankful for for my new placement for school. It is a much more positive environment and I feel as though I am learning more while there. Even with my first official lesson I taught yesterday (well, the 10th) went well and I got much more positive feedback.
November 11th: Today, I am thankful for the veterans. They were/are willing to risk everything in order to protect our country and our freedom. So, for any veteran reading this, thank you so very much for everything that you have and will do! 
November 12th: Today I am thankful for a super awesome coworker of mine. Her name is Laura as well. While I haven't known her for a super long time, I have known her long enough to know that she is seriously amazing. Whenever I am having a bad day she will let me rant and whenever I am having a good day she will let me ramble on and on. We work well together and get along great! So, Laura, thank you for being an amazing coworker and an amazing friend! 

November 13th: Family. While I have talked before about different family members, I am now going to say just how thankful I am for family in general. I really enjoy being able to spend time with family and do things that we all enjoy whether it be watching Girl Meets World or playing Guild Wars. We are always there for each other.
November 14th: Church events. Today I get to go bowling and to dinner with some people from my church. It is a nice chance to fellowship with other believers.
November 15th: Operation Christmas Child. I am thankful that there is a ministry that helps children have a Christmas to remember when they may have never even gotten a gift before. I am thankful that I got to do a box of my own this year. Please pray that God will use all th boxes in His will. 
November 16th:
November 17th:
November 18th:
November 19th:
November 20th:
November 21st:
November 22nd:
November 23rd:
November 24th:
November 25th: 
November 26th:
November 27th:
November 28th:
November 29th:
November 30th:

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