Sunday, October 4, 2015

Naming the Puppets

As a puppeteer, you will use many different puppets. Each puppet will in a way have it's own personality. However, we take it a step further. We name almost all of our puppets. Here are just a few: 

Naming our puppets is beneficial in a few different ways. One of those ways is that it makes each puppet a little more special. While they are still just foam, it adds a bit more of a lifelike quality to them if that makes sense. It adds to their individual personalities. Another thing that naming them does it make it easier to know what puppet you should be using. If you see the name Eggmont, you know to grab the yellow puppet with feathery red hair that is named Eggmont as opposed to just having to grab any random puppet. It makes transitioning between songs easier. 

I suppose I will connect this to Adam having to name the animals. Whenever God created Adam, He told Adam to name all the animals of the land, sea, and sky. Could you imagine if God had not given Adam this task? There very well could have been no names for all the different animals. You would not have an easy way to distinguish between a cow and a parakeet. However, God knew that we would need to be able to distinguish between the animals, so He told Adam to name them. Now, to relate this back to naming the puppets, think again about the disorder there would be without the animals being named. The puppets having names is the same situation. There is a solid way to distinguish between all of the puppets.  

To see the rest of the posts from this series please click here  

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