Monday, October 12, 2015

Dressing the Puppets

Once songs are chosen and parts are lined up, we sometimes get to do a bit of dressing up the puppets. Sure, our puppets typically just stay in what they are wearing, but we do occasionally change their clothes.One occasion in which we look at the clothing our puppets are wearing is when we perform with Anointed Hearts. We typically try and dress all 5 puppets in color coordinated outfits. We then let Anointed Heart's know what their prospective puppet is wearing so that they can try and find a similar outfit to wear. Obviously the outfits won't match perfectly, but it is still nice when they are at least similar in color. Even when the outfits don't match, it is still fun for the puppets' outfits to match. 
Certain song styles may also influence the costuming of the puppets. This is one area where we sometimes actually change the puppets' clothes and other times we say to just go with it.. Anyways, take a Christmas song or show for example. We try and dress a lot of the puppets in red and green. For a song that is from the 50's or 60's, we may try and find an outfit that  would match that decade. This allows the overall look of the song to seem more realistic. 
Being a Christian should not be a costume that you wear. Being a Christian should be who you are. If you attend church on the holidays but no other times, you are most likely wearing a costume of being a Christian. Actually being a Christian should mean that you want to learn more about Christ and that you want to go to church to learn about Him and to be around other Christians. You should want to know what God wants from you in following Him. If you are living in sin, you very well could be wearing a costume of being a Christian. Sure, Christians do suffer temptations, but they know that it is wrong and they fight those temptations instead of living in those temptations and sin. 
You want to make sure that you really are a Christian and are not living a lie. When you die, you don't want God to tell you, "Then I will tell them plainly, 'I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!' (Matthew 7:23 You want Him to welcome you into Heaven. So, make sure you are living for Him and not just for a title. 
To see the rest of the posts from this series please click here  


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