Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Anointed Hearts

Ministries collaborating with each other can be absolutely amazing, especially when it is something that God wants for us. Adventureland's collaborating with the Southern Gospel group Anointed Hearts is something that I feel to really be part of God's plan for us. 

My mom knew the father of the group when she was younger. Due to the fact that they were not local to where she lived, they only got to see each other for vacations. So, whenever the trips to where they lived ended, they lost touch. However, that is obviously not where this story ends. 

A few years ago, back when Myspace was still popular, my mom created a page for our ministry on MySpace. While messing around on there, she happened to come across the page for the family, as well as for their ministry, Anointed Hearts. My mom ended up contacting them, and telling them about our ministry. Therefore, we ended up taking our ministry their way. At that time, they were in Ohio. 

The Ohio trip was my first time meeting them. On that trip, we surprised them by performing one of their songs. We kept that hush hush up until the music started. The reaction was priceless! We actually had specific puppets chosen to match each of them. 

Anointed Hearts came our way as well. They knew that we had done a song of theirs before, so we wanted to think of something else we could do. So, we decided to really work with them. We had them sing a song standing out front of our puppet stage and we went up with their respective puppets and sang right along with them. That is something that is always fun to do. It really shows how great things can happen when we work with other ministries. 

Anointed Hearts eventually moved back to their hometown roots -- Kentucky. When they moved there, we started going to Kentucky to perform, but we would also go to West Virginia in the same trip. I don't want to say a whole lot about those trips here, though, because I plan to tell about them more in detail in future posts. 

Anointed Hearts has also been back to our area a few times since we started working together. Our collaborating was able to bring us to their area, but also open around us up to them. Working with them has been a real blessing! So, if you are part of a ministry, really consider working with other ministries. You never know what God has planned for both ministries! 

Romans 15:5-6 ESV 

May the God of endurance and encouragement grant you to live in such harmony with one another, in accord with Christ Jesus, that together you may with one voice glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. (http://www.openbible.info/topics/working_together)

Just a Little About Anointed Hearts
Since we do work with Anointed Hearts, I thought I would go ahead and share a bit about the group. For more specific information, check out their website by clicking the picture below.


I will now go ahead and tell you just a little bit about each of the members. 

Jamie is the father of the group. He plays the guitar as well as vocals. He does a lot of the introductions to songs and explains what the song means to him and the band.
Paula is the mother of the group. She sings vocals. She also does a lot of contacting the different venues that they perform at. She also helps out at the merchandise table after their shows.
 Courtney is the oldest daughter. She sings vocals, both leads and harmonies. Along with singing, she has also started writing some songs. Whenever she speaks, it is from the heart. The same for when she writes. She has a blog of her own (and she is actually the one that told me about the 31 day challenge that this series is a part of). If you would like to check her blog out, click the following: Eyes of Faith 

Alison is the middle daughter. She sings vocals, leads as well as harmonies. She is also the musician of the family and knows how to play multiple instruments. She has also added song writing to her list of talents. 
Emily is the youngest daughter. She sings vocals and has began to do harmony.

This is just a very very limited amount of information about them. If you would like to know more, please check out their website (click the group photo with the red background). 
To see the rest of the posts from this series please click here  



  1. Amen! Working together for the Lord -- that's what we're supposed to do! And it's so amazing to watch Him work. :) Thanks for telling about us and being so kind in your mini bios! Love you, girl!

  2. when 2 or more are gathered....He will be there with us. Think how much His spirit pours out when 2 ministries who love the Lord open their hearts to working for Gods kingdom and sharing His word together.
    We have worked with different Christians but I really believe God does something special when we are together.

  3. I love the idea of ministries collaborating, I feel like the world would be a better place if more people/organizations worked together instead of competing!
