Note to Readers:
The Lynch, Kentucky and Tahlequah, Oklahoma mission trips were quite awhile ago, so I really do not remember that much about them. Therefore, there is a good chance that this will be pretty vague. However, it is something we did as a ministry, so I thought I would still share the few details about the trips that I can with you guys. So, thank you for reading!
So, I talked yesterday about traveling to our shows. Both times that we went to Lynch and the time that we went to Tahlequah, the journey there and/or home was interesting. For those trips, we were using our trailer to transport our puppet supplies. That sounds like it would be a good thing considering we now just use our minivan. However, that trailer must have had something against us because the tire would constantly blow. I don't just mean we would end up with a flat. We would literally end up with the tire(s) blown.
My grandma was actually the one who planned these trips. They were church-wide mission trips, so it was more than just our puppet ministry going. Some people did backyard Bible clubs with local kids, some people did work on people's houses, some people handed out clothes, some people did prayer walking, we did puppets, and there were other things that people did as well. Actually, we sometimes even did puppets at the backyard Bible clubs. We typically would get to do at least one museum or other activity on one of the days we were there since we were someplace that was new and different for us.
Some of the places that we actually did puppets at include an orphanage, the backyard Bible clubs I mentioned before, at a grocery store, at a food pantry, at the clothing handout venue, and I am sure there may have been other places, but as I said earlier, this was quite awhile ago and I honestly do not remember everything. Anyways, it was nice getting to perform at these different places. They were places where you could tell that the people really enjoyed getting to see or do something different than they were used to.
Actually, on a couple occasions throughout these trips, we even got to do some clowning. We didn't do that a whole lot, but we did some. While getting dressed up and clowning around is fun, I am glad we mainly do puppets -- just saying.
Romans 12:13 (NIV)
13 Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. (
Whenever you see someone in need, whether it be local or on a mission trip, help them. Show them God's Mercy and Love. You may be the only way that some people could see God. So, show them that you care about them and that God does as well.
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